Art Gallery

Art Gallery

Art Gallery

Something about futuristic products inspires the imagination; it's almost as if we extend the design to its surroundings and wonder what else could be possible. This building of designs — from product models to real, functioning designs — is the next generation of amazing gadgets. From the folding screen to 3D desktop monitors to the looking glass concept, these designs send the imagination soaring. In the fast moving world when the life is changing dynamically, only those will thrive who will out-power others will survive. By introducing this style to Saudi Arab, it could be one of the steps that shall catch up with the wheel of development, such as other countries.

First floor plan.

First floor pattern.

For first floor reflected ceiling.

Assembly Units: were built to create a sense of enclosure, if an artist want to display their art apart from the surrounding area

Measurement in meter

The hatched parts indicate the mobile aspect of the unit

Second floor plan

Second floor pattern

Second floor material

Reflected ceiling for second floor